Pushups are one of the best bodyweight exercises you can do to build your upper body. Doing pushups is a great way to burn calories, improve your muscle strength and muscle tone.
But how many calories do 20 pushups burn?
The short answer is depending on your body weight, height and how fast you are doing pushups you can burn from 5.8 – 7.2 calories. doing 20 pushups. If you weigh more and do pushups at high speed then the calories burned per pushup will be higher. To give you some idea 0.29 calories to 0.36 calories are burned by a single push-up.
Read on if you would like to know exactly how many calories you will burn for your body weight. In this article, you will read a brief explanation about how many calories does 20 push ups burn.
How to calculate how many calories are burned doing Push-Ups and factors that influence it
Here’s the process to determine how many calories you will burn by doing 20 pushups. If you don’t need any explanation and just want the answer then read the next section.
First, we need to find out the amount of calories burned by a single pushup and keep in consideration all the factors that determine how many calories you will burn. Then we need to multiply that number by 20 to determine how many calories it will burn by doing 20 pushups.
Here are the main factors that determine how many calories doing pushups will burn.
- Your height and weight.
- Fitness level or at which speed you normally do pushups.
- Your age and gender.
By taking into consideration the above points, you will find out the answer to your question below.
How many calories does 20 push ups burn?

To find out how many calories does pushup burn it’s important to know what’s your body weight and the intensity of your pushup workout.
Generally, one pushup can burn from 0.29 calories to 0.36 calories for individuals with different bodyweight. Thus as per the above data doing 20 pushups will burn 5.8 – 7.2 calories. But you will find more specific answers for your body weight below.
How many calories do 20 pushups burn at a normal pace (30-35 pushups per minute)?
If your body weight is 55 kg then you will burn doing 20 pushups at a normal speed is 4.4 calories.
If your body weight is 70 kg then you will burn 5.6 calories doing 20 pushups.
If your body weight is 85 kg then you will burn 6.8 calories doing 20 pushups.
Body weight in kg | Calories you will burn doing 20 pushups |
55 kg | 4.4 calories |
70 kg | 5.6 calories |
85kg | 6.8 calories |
How many calories do 20 pushups burn at a slow pace (20 pushups per minute)?
If your weight is 55 kg then performing 20 pushups at a slow speed will burn 4 calories.
If your weight is 70 kg then you will burn 5 calories doing 20 pushups at a slow pace.
If your weight is 85 kg then you will burn 6 calories doing 20 pushups.
Body weight | Calories burned doing 20 pushups at a slow pace |
55 kg | 4 calories |
70 kg | 5 calories |
85 kg | 6 calories |
How many calories do 20 modified push-ups burn?
Here’s how many calories you burn approximately if you do 20 modified pushups.
You will burn 3.6 calories doing 20 modified or knee pushups if your body weight is 110 pounds or 55 kg.
If you weigh 154 pounds or 70 kg then doing 20 modified pushups can burn 3.92 calories.
Heavyweight individuals who have a bodyweight of 85 kg will burn 4.14 calories performing 20 knee pushups.
Body weight | Calories burned doing 20 modified pushups |
110 pounds | 3.6 calories |
154 pounds | 3.92 calories |
187 pounds | 4.14 calories |
Is 20 pushups a day good?
If you are doing 20 pushups a day and want to know if it’s good or sufficient for you then you should know that 20 pushups a day is only good for beginners who have been doing pushups for some weeks.
Even if you are a beginner you should try to do more than 20 pushups a day.
It’s better to do 2-3 sets of pushups and in each set, you should try to do pushups until failure for best results.
You can read our article on pushup routine for beginners and follow it to improve your pushup workout so that you get better results.
Related: How to do 100 pushups a day?
Conclusion for calories burned by doing 20 pushups
Pushups are a great bodyweight exercise that can help you to build upper body strength, muscle tone and burn calories. There are many factors that affect the exact number of calories you burn doing pushups such as your body weight, height and the intensity of your pushup workout.
Generally doing 20 pushups can burn around 5.8 to 7.2 calories.
When looking at the numbers we know that calorie burn from pushups is relatively less compared to other cardiovascular exercises. If your ultimate goal from your workout is to burn more calories then you can add jogging, cycling or high-intensity interval training into your workout routine that will help you to burn more calories.
Pushups do not burn that many calories when compared to other body-weight exercises like burpees. But beyond calorie burn doing pushups can help you engage multiple muscle groups and help you tone and build body strength.
When compared to dedicated cardio exercises pushups may not burn that many calories but for strength training and muscle development you can improve your overall fitness level by doing pushups. Doing push-up and following a balanced diet and doing other exercise that targets your lower body can improve your overall fitness level and can help you achieve muscle tone.
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