Pushups are one of the best bodyweight exercises you can do to build your upper body and improve your body fitness. After you have been doing pushups for a while you may want to know how often should you do push ups to get the best possible results.
The thing is how many times you should do pushups in a week depends on how you train. But in general, it’s safe to do pushups 3-4 days per week. On other days you should take rest so that your muscles can repair themselves and avoid overtraining and workout injuries.
In this article I will cover in detail how often should I do push ups to get the best results.
How often should I do push ups to see the results?
To determine how often should I do push ups – first, you need to find out if you are a beginner, intermediate or at an advanced level when it comes to doing puhsups.
For beginners: Someone who just started to do pushups or a beginner can do pushups 4-5 days per week to get the best possible results. In a week they can do pushups for 2 days in a row then take one day rest and then do pushups for 3 days in a row and take another day for rest.
The ideal pushup workout routine for beginners is to do pushups for 2-3 sets and for each set they should try to do pushups until failure. Also, they should do proper warm up before a pushup workout. For a warm-up, they can do simple body scratches and 10-15 wall pushups or knee pushups.
For intermediate level: Someone who can do 15-25 pushups in one go is at an intermediate level. So, if you are at the intermediate level then you can do pushups for up to 4 days. The reason you should do pushups for 4 days or less is – when you began to do more pushups – your body also needs more rest to repair the damaged tissues.
In an ideal pushup workout routine for the intermediate level – they should do 3-4 sets of pushups. Where they can do 2 sets of regular pushups and in the other 2 sets they can do other pushup variations like incline pushups, decline pushups, pike pushups etc.
For advanced level: If you can do more than 30 – 50 pushups in one go then you are at an advanced level. When you can do more than 50 pushups and you are doing multiple sets of pushups then you need more rest days and you should not do pushups every day.
If you are at an advanced level – you should do pushups every other day or 3 days per week. Sometimes you can also do pushups for 4 days a week if you see your body takes less time to recover itself. However, it can only be possible if you only train with bodyweight exercises and workout different body parts on different days.
For those who also workout at the gym and are at an advanced level – they should do pushups for 3 days and ideally they should do pushups on those days when they will train their upper body.
In the advanced level generally, you will be doing pushups for 3 days so, you can have intense pushup workout sessions where you can do 5 sets of pushups and do different pushup variations to target different muscle groups.
Related: Do You Need Rest Days For Push Ups?
How many days a week should you do push-ups?

How many days a week should you do push-ups depends on your fitness level. Generally, for beginners, it’s safe to do pushups for 4-5 days a week.
It’s best to do pushups for 4 days a week for those people who are at the intermediate level. And those who are at an advanced level they should do pushups every other day or do pushups 3 days a week.
When you should not do pushups every day
It’s only safe to do pushups every day when you are only doing a limited number of pushups or doing pushups as a part of circuit training. So, you can only do pushups every day when you are doing less than 20-25 pushups.
Doing more than 25 pushups per day without any rest days for more than one month can overtrain your muscle groups and increases the chances of workout injuries. Thus it’s best to take rest days when doing a high number of pushups or multiple sets of pushups.
Related: Do Push Ups Work Abs – Know Whether Pushups Give You Abs.
Getting the best results from pushup workout
For getting the best results from your pushup workout you need to do pushups more often but it’s also important that you take an adequate amount of rest days in between to give your body enough time to recover itself after a pushup workout.
Most people can get good results if they do pushups for 3-4 days a week.
On your pushup days, you need to do multiple sets of pushups and you need to do pushups until failure. If you train like this then you can build a muscular good looking upper body doing pushups.
Being able to do more number of pushups takes time. But if you want to improve the number of pushups you can do faster then you have to do pushups until failure in most pushup sets. And it’s natural to struggle at the end after you do a certain number of pushups. But those last few pushups can help you to progress faster.
So, if you want to improve the number of pushups you currently do then focus on doing 1-2 more pushups after you feel the stress in your muscle groups.
Related: How Many Pushups Should I Do A Day To Build Muscle?
How often should I do pushups depends on how you train and the number of pushups you do.
For most people, it’s safe to do pushups for 3-4 days a week, whether they have just started to do pushups or doing pushups for some months.
But ideally, a beginner should do pushups for 4-5 days, for the intermediate level they should do pushups for 4 days and for someone who is at the advanced level they should do pushups for 3 days a week.
Getting the best results from your pushup workout requires you to do pushups for multiple days a week. But you should avoid doing pushups every day. Giving your body enough time to repair itself is also vital for getting the best outcome from doing pushups.
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