Drinking 2-3 cups of green tea throughout the day can amaze you with its health benefits. In this post, you will learn about the benefits of drinking green tea in the morning.
Before you read about those benefits in detail – here’s a short glimpse of all the main benefits you can get from drinking green tea in the morning:
Drinking green tea in the morning can help you boost your metabolism at the beginning of the day. A high metabolism rate helps in the fat-burning process. Green tea is also beneficial for adding a natural glow to your skin and has anti-cavity properties. Read on to discover all the health benefits of drinking green tea in the morning.
This article also covers the following things: the best time to drink green tea in the morning, whether you should drink green tea on an empty stomach, is it safe to drink green tea first thing in the morning etc.
You can drink green tea at many different times during the day and get its health benefits. But some of its health benefits remains highly effective when consumed in the morning.
10 Health Benefits Of Drinking Green Tea In The Morning

1. Boosts your metabolism & helps in fat-burning processes.
Nowadays obesity is a common problem.
Most people in their late 20s and early 30s want to lose their body fat. Because of eating fast foods more often and living a less active lifestyle –
now gaining weight is not difficult. But maintaining a healthy weight & body fat is tough.
“About half of Americans say they’re trying to lose weight”
source Time.
Drinking green tea in the morning increases the potential of your body to burn fat. It helps by increasing your metabolism rate. This means you’ll burn more calories at rest and during work.
Before a morning workout drinking, a cut of green tea can help you perform better on the field and burn more fat.
Drinking a cup of green tea every morning can help you in keeping your weight in check.
2. Better mental health and memory.
Drinking green tea in the morning results in better mental health and memory.
Green tea contains polyphenols that help our brain by giving a steady supply of glucose. Green tea also contains theanine, which acts as an anti-depressant. It can help to get relief from anxiety and stress.
Related: 10 Healthy food and drinks that also taste good.
3. Drinking green tea in the morning helps to prevent tooth decay.
Green tea leaves ( leaves Of Camilla Sinensis Plant ) have some anti-cavity properties which will help you to prevent tooth decay.
Drinking a cup of tea after eating sweets can help to prevent cavities by preventing plaque formation and inhibiting bacteria.
Drinking green tea in the morning is also good for keeping your mouth fresh.
4. Green tea helps to reduce blood pressure.

Regular consumption of green tea can help you to naturally lower your blood pressure and maintain – normal blood pressure level.
For better results drink four cups of green tea throughout the day.
5. Tones skin, hair, and muscles.
Green tea serves as a natural toner for the skin. It gives your skin a healthy glow by removing impurities.
Drinking green tea two times a day can benefit your body tissues and muscles.
Related: Benefits of drinking lemon water in the morning.
6. Drinking green tea decreases the risk of cancer.
Tea leaves are filled with many antioxidants. Especially there is a predominant of polyphenols in green tea. (EGCG, EGC, ECG, and EC).
These chemicals (EGCG and ECG) protect human cells from DNA damage caused by reactive oxygen species. Source.
So, drinking green tea can help you in lowering the risk of cancer.
Related: 10 Healthy food and drink you must try.
7. Helps with asthma.
Caffeine and theophylline decrease the chances of an asthma attack for four hours after its consumption. Theophylline is also used to make some pills to cure asthma.
Drinking green tea gives you relief from asthma naturally.
8. Drinking green tea can lower cholesterol.
Drinking green tea will reduce your bad cholesterol level (LDL cholesterol) without harming your good cholesterol (HDL).
9. Green tea helps to prevent wrinkles & Combat Aging Signs

Because of its rich antioxidants, green tea helps to avoid skin ageing signs like – wrinkles, fine lines and reduces dark circles & puffy eyes.
Related: Should I eat before morning workout?
10. Drinking green tea will strengthen your Immune System.
Because of its powerful antioxidants, drinking green tea in the morning can help you to strengthen your immune system.
Tip: To boost your immune system take some drops of raw honey with green tea. Take it two times a day, for better results.
Best Time To Drink Green Tea In The Morning
Drinking 2-3 cups of green tea throughout the day will help you get most of the health benefits of drinking green tea.
But is there a best time to drink green tea? Yes, morning is the best time to drink green tea if you want to get some of its vital health benefits.
Especially it’s best to have your first cup of green tea 40 minutes to an hour after you wake up.
For most people, the best time to drink green tea is – between 8.30 – 11 am (assuming they wake up between 6.50 – 7.40 am.)
Should you drink green tea in the morning on an empty stomach? My personal experience
It’s recommended not to drink green tea on an empty stomach early in the morning. Some people reported it caused acidity in their stomachs.
To test this out – I tried drinking green tea on an empty stomach for a week or so…
Personally, I always eat something light whether I’m having coffee or green tea in the morning.
During that week I woke up at around 5.40 – 6.30 am. And at around 7 am, I drank two cups of green tea. Before that, all I consumed was filtered water 400 ml approx.
For me it was ok. I haven’t noticed any major issues or acidity problems most of the days. But one or two days there was a minor acidity problem. Now I can’t say it’s only because of drinking green tea on an empty stomach.
I found out that if you eat your dinner late at night or eat spicy food. When you wake up in the morning there’s already an acidity problem in your stomach. But you may not notice it at first.
Once you drink your green tea in the morning on an empty stomach – it can trigger acidity formation in your stomach. So, after some hours when you start to feel the stomach problem you may feel like – drinking green tea caused this.
The results may also vary if your blood is slightly alkaline or acidic.
If you follow a healthy lifestyle routine and maintain healthy eating then it’s less likely you will find any problems from drinking green tea in the morning empty stomach.
But for most people – to stay on the safer side – ‘eat something light’ if you want to drink green tea early morning.
Green tea in the morning: FAQs
If you have read this far and are interested to learn more about drinking green tea in the morning then this section is for you. In this section, I will be answering popular questions people have regarding drinking green tea in the morning.
What happens if I drink green tea every morning?
You can get several benefits if you decide to drink green tea every day in the morning.
Drinking green tea every morning can help you to improve your body’s metabolism rate and can help with weight loss. Green tea contains catechins that can increase your body’s ability to burn more fat. This can help you maintain healthy body weight and body fat when combined with a few workout sessions per week and eating moderate amounts of healthy food.
Regularly drinking green tea every morning can have a positive impact on brain function. There are two components present in green tea called – L – theanine and caffeine which work together to improve brain function including improving memory power, attention and reaction time.
Overall drinking green tea in the morning can help you get most of the benefits of green tea mentioned above in this article.
Green tea in the morning vs coffee
People who prefer to start their day with something hot and energetic beverage often end up drinking tea or coffee.
Coffee and green tea are both popular beverages that people like to drink especially in the morning. While both drinks have caffeine they have their health benefits and disadvantages. Here I will help you decide between green tea or coffee as your morning drink.
If I talk about the caffeine content green tea contains less caffeine than coffee. Typically green tea contains about 30-50mg of caffeine per 8-ounce cup whereas then the same amount of coffee contains 95 mg of caffeine.
So, if you want a drink that is low in caffeine and high in antioxidants then you should go with green tea.
Also if you want to pick the right drink before you sit down for your morning work then you should go with green tea. It’s because green tea contains L- theanine an amino acid which helps in reducing stress levels and promoting relaxation. This can also lead to a more focused work session and energy boost in comparison to the jitters and crashes that many experiences after drinking coffee. You might also try drinking lemon water in the morning to have more focus on your work.
There are many health benefits of drinking green tea in the morning. Especially if you want to lose weight and increase your metabolism rate then you should drink green tea early in the morning.
To get most of the health benefits of green tea, consume 2-3 cups of green tea throughout the day. You can drink up to 7-8 cups of green tea in a day without facing any problems. But you should try not to drink more than 3 cups of green tea in one sitting.
The best time to have your green tea in the morning is 40-60 minutes after waking up in the morning.
Many people drink green tea in the morning on an empty stomach without any health problems. Try drinking green tea in the morning on an empty stomach. Most likely you won’t have any problems. But if you face minor acidity problems from drinking green tea on an empty stomach. Then eat some snacks before you have your morning green tea.
Doing this can help you to get the benefits of drinking green tea in the morning without any health issues.
Read next:- How to find time to work out when you have a busy life
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That’s a solid article on green tea. Bookmarked it.
Good reads